Bejo will inspire at Fruit Logistica 2025 in Berlin with innovative concepts and pioneering…
Bejo is an international producer of vegetable seeds. Honey bees are perhaps our most important…
As of March 1st, Marc Bots will become the new Director Research & Breeding at Bejo. He succeeds…
We are delighted to announce that Bejo's Samantha has been nominated for the prestigious Fruit…
We are excited to announce that on January 1st, Arend Schot will join the Bejo management team as…
External factors such as climate and the labor market are making growing vegetable crops…
Rooted in success: innovations in breeding, production and marketing of red beet. Under this title…
Did you know that... in the Netherlands, red beet comes to the table of only a third of households…
In Latvia, Bejo supplies products to Ezerkauliņi Agro, a major player in the Eastern European…