On Monday July 1st, the International Bremia Evaluation Board for the EU (IBEB-EU) officially identified another novel race of Bremia in lettuce, BI: 41EU. In 2023, three new races were announced. Bejo lettuce varieties with high resistance to BI:29-40EU, are also high resistant to BI:29-41EU. Contact your crop specialist for more information about our varieties and their resistances. 

Bremia, also known as downy mildew (Bremia lactucae), is one of the most destructive diseases in lettuce. The fungus is genetically very variable and mutating frequently, explaining why in two years four new races have been announced. 

Despite the identification of four new Bremia races in two years, nearly all of our varieties are still high resistant.

Despite the identification of four new Bremia races in two years, nearly all of our varieties are still high resistant. We offer a high resistant portfolio (Bl: 29-41EU) with iceberg, batavia, butterhead, mini romaine and speciality lettuce. This spring knew a high Bremia pressure, due to the wet and relatively warm circumstances. Combined with usual preventative measures, high resistant varieties give a high protection level and a higher opportunity for a successful harvest.  

Our local crop specialists are happy to explain more about our varieties and their resistances. For each variety the new resistance package is displayed on our local websites.

Read the full press release from IBEB / Plantum.